May 30, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media

This is exactly why Tories (!!!) are for giving 0.7% of our GDP in foreign aid, because it is an investment, not a gift. British corporations are given the money as aid, they use it to invest in projects where they are likely to lose money because of a change in govt who will likely cancel the project, because it isn't good for their country. That corporation then sue via the ISDS court & get a massive pay out. The company has used our money to get into the ISDS scam. Oh and they give some of that money to the Tory Party.

Germany was sued by a Swedish firm about 9 years ago under this same provision. Germen firms also tried to sue the German govt but the ISDS rules only allow for foreign corporations to sue. The whole thing is a scam!

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The Grayzone also does some pretty good work from time to time on describing the work that 'aid' agencies like USAID does to carry out the modern brand of colonialism. Especially when it comes to using that aid money to fund what looks like 'grassroots' democratic/liberal movements in and around 'official enemy' states. That's not to say that people with real, personal discontent with the way in which their societies are run are not involved within such movements, or that these societies are actually democratic. However, I feel that it can be very easy for movements like these to be 'piggy-backed' upon by external geopolitical/corporate interests and their cut-out agencies, like the aforementioned USAID, amongst others.

Great read nonetheless, thank you for your work!

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"Colonialism never ended, it just evolved. Even South Africa, which we are told escaped apartheid, is still effectively under colonial rule because its hands are so tightly bound by this system."

Yes! So few people understand the dynamic; globohomo merely shifted from a direct-colonialist model to an indirect-colonialist model, which is both more efficient, more stifling and much harder to overthrow than a direct model. Educating on this point is really important. It's not really left vs. right, which is a distraction, but the masses of the world against the central bank owners and the minions carrying out their orders. The heart of a problem cannot be addressed until it is properly understood.

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"much harder to overthrow" is a really good point

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I try to provide a step-by-step walkthrough here: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies

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May 30, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media


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