Aug 14, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media

Thank you Ricky for putting the danger of accepting or doing nothing to stop the extradition and indeed the false accusations against Julian Assange. There is too little independent journalism as it is, the news we are allowed to see or hear is very often censored in my own country the UK as it is in many others.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media

An outstanding and extremely important piece. In criminal justice, I cannot believe people don’t talk about this case as an abhorrent case of injustice.

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You can bet much if the main stream media knew mist if the information Wikileaks released, they just weren’t printing it. The main media are already the propaganda arm of those in power. Those in power are the corporate sector, government is window dressing for the masses. It’s the corporate class that want to stop whistle blowers, hence the relentless attack on Assange - by Republicans and Democrats in the USA and even by centre left (so-called) parties elsewhere.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media


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Absolutely!!! Like yesterday and then pay the man for his troubles.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media

how low can you go? jailing and torturing Assange for reporting war crimes instead of the war criminals. The absolute cravenness and cowardice of western govts to US "might is right"

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As a freedom loving American patriot I can say that my nations government is behaving very shamefully. I am appalled with our governments actions. I can only vote for others who are likewise honest patriots and not bullies.

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Your nation has no government. It has a psychopathic crime cartel which murders at will any who stand up to it. It can be defeated, but that would take sacrifice, courage and the willingness to move the curtain separating the well-meaning patriarch it poorly presents itself as from the vicious reptile it actually is. If it comes to that, we will then have a civil war. If it doesn't, we will be living the rest of our lives as slaves, dooming our children to the same fate, until the whole enterprise collapses of its own weight. If there's anyone left, I guess they get to start the fifth world and hope they get it right next time.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Council Estate Media

Really good piece of information thank you.

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Free Julian!!! I have a Wikileaks T-Shirt. Thank you for all the brave people in this world who risk their lives to make the world a better place!!!

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The only problem is that there isn’t always consensus as to what a “better” place looks like.

The UK as well as the US have gone off the rails from time to time.

I am and always have been skeptical of government interventions, agencies, leaders and what they truly report to the public. There is a long history of our government deceiving us for the greater “good” yet that never seems to be good for everyone and always in favor of the agencies themselves. I hope your government does NOT comply.

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I wrote numerous letters to the Republicans and Democrats during COVID. The truth is, all lines of protection were broken. It was each man for him/herself. Maybe that is how life really is...

Anyway, thank-you for your response. Julian is a brave man and I wish there were more like him.

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I agree. Both parties are full of self serving politicians who need to just go. Been thinking about switching to the libertarian party.

BTW, loved Queen Elizabeth but not so much Charles. Love the UK and hope we can remain allies no matter what.

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I have forgotten . Except , that at that time I felt all was not what it seemed ...there seems so much of this over the years . But we..and most definitely I , have had focus preparing my children for this world and then working towards insulating my lot for self sufficiency best I could. It’s a changing and complex world more than ever, more than I can grasp nor often fast enough to adjust as needed.

I need to review and appreciate the sites given here, the resurfacing has peaked interest again, that usually is a positive nudge ...

Thanks, Ricky (and supporters).

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I remember Assange and what he did. He took information given to him by whistleblowers and put them on wikilieaks. That information made Hillary Clinton look bad, and thus, she wanted him drone killed. Then the US government accused him of spying and the Brits accused him of raping someone.

Assange did nothing wrong. He deserves to be let go, just like Snowden does.

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Yup. And fully exonerated/compensated and thanked for their courage in speaking truth to lies.

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The UK and the US have lost moral authority. Useless are the claims they are fighting for democracy. It is not democratic to jail a journalist who published secrets these governments had. To keep secrets from The People is not democratic to begin with.

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Absolutely. They throw out the claim they are protecting our freedom and democracy when they are just trying to cover their egregious self serving abuses.

While I agree that information that can compromise the safety of our agents should be protected, the agencies that employ them should be made known.

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If we live in a truly democratic country we should not need secret service agencies. Information should be freely available without fear.

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I’m not a fan of Assange as a person (or at least the cocky character we have seen in the past) however I do agree he has been badly mistreated. After the Swedish arrest warrant was revoked, he should have been let out of prison to fight extradition in freedom like every other person accused of non-violent crime.

I don’t know enough about US law to comment on their extradition request, but it certainly seems strange that a registered journalist would be prosecuted - I thought their 1st Amendment applied to all journalistic speech there?

No, journalists should NOT be persecuted for speaking out anywhere! (Look at the case recently in Kansas, which led to the death of an elderly female newspaper co-owner, after a police raid targeting her son, who lived with her. See Heather Cox Robinson’s Letter From An American 12/8/23) This is something we usually associate with authoritarian regimes abroad (eg Al Jazeera journalists held in Egypt for years), not UK or USA, but sadly the information wars seem to be taking their toll on the public’s biggest defenders - our journalists!

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Thank you for your brilliant article. Journalists are people first and foremost. Joe Public doesn’t seem to care about this or other abuses of power by states so is it surprising if they’re not doing their job properly?

CIA were exposed as having a programme where children were sexually abused by adults in order to facilitate blackmail - Clinton even apologised to the adult women in congress but how many showed an interest in this? (If you’re interested in this you can hear this about it in a podcast 8 co-host Locked Up Living).

The UFO story either reveals a massive disinformation campaign or decades of secrecy - and yet hardly a word.

I think these kind of implications are too big for most people to deal with psychologically so it’s easier to just carry on regardless.

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The big issue here is a legacy media that has shirked its duty as government watchdog and has become a PR instrument for one side. Many Americans never hear the truth and we are ignored when protesting it.

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People feel disempowered. Look at how the J6 people were treated VS the rioters who caused loss of life, rape, destruction of property and assault. They’ve all been given a pass yet those in congress who should have accepted the help of the national guard refused it. There were FBI agitators implanted to rally people to enter the Capitol and Capitol police who let them in.

Think it might have been a coordinated effort? There were inconsistencies in the election though it’s hard to say if it would have been enough to change the outcome. Additionally the FBI worked with the legacy media and internet platforms to prohibit them from revealing the truth about the lap-top story.

Biden literally threatened to use the full arsenal of the military against any person(s) who might attempt to dispose of the crooked politicians like himself. They arrested and imprisoned people who weren’t even present on J6 .

Our government has demonized being patriotic, Christian, white or politically conservative. We, and I mean the entirety of western civilization, are headed for a very dystopian future . In fact it seems to be here now.

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We never learn in our history books about the attempted coup in 1934 wherein the oscenely rich sought out a general in the hopes of overthrowing the government, killing FDR and replacinghim with a Mussolini-type dictator. Stupidly, the chose Smedley Butler for the role. He garnered enough proof of the conspiracy to take it to Congress. There was an investigation, it was found to be factual and they had their hands summarily smacked. Many of them supported, not their own country, but Nazi Germany. IBM was very instrumental in keeping tabs on the victims, coincidentally very tied to creating Gates whose front and center for the current coup. How many American soldiers were killed by bullets provided by Rockefeller? Bush financed Hitler - then became a U.S. Senator and father and grandfather of two (nazi-indoctrinated) presidents. It's all theater to cover up the stench of what our "government" reallly is.

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Thanks for sharing this. I didn’t know about that either. I did read though that communist sympathizers infiltrated our government and educational system during FDR’s tenure. Their plan was to influence western society through left leaning teaching and generations later it seems to be working.

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Left used to mean progressive, pro-working class. Now there's no more "left" - just a two-headed snake that pretends it's neither two-headed nor a reptile. The government has fought tooth and nail against progressive politics forever. The msm propaganda as well as that of the schools, from K to university, talk about "inclusivity" as thoughb it were sanctified - except when it comes to tolerance of an economic system that might more equitabyy replace the monster that is our crypto--fascist capitalist kleptocraacy. You'll notice the same people who are pushing "inclusivity" certainly don't accept that at all for their secret meetings while they use spies and informants for any group that is pro-worker. Democracy means we all get to choose, not just the government. FDR was still an elitist. He believed, however, that if the psychopathic rich didn't share the wealth a bit better, there'd be a revolution in the U.S. He was successful in preventing a revolution and look where we are now! There are businesses that are owned, operated and shared by those who work in them. To me, that's how it should be. Capitalism in my opinion, is a system in which the most parasitic and the most ruthless benefit while everyone else, including our exploited planet, suffers. There's a cooperative business in Spain that is very large. I think it's called Mondragon. We need more like that, less like Amazon....or Microsooft

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Disagree the implications are too big. I’m as helpless as you are. As Julian is.

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Why do you think there’s such little interest then? Genuinely curious as I find it astounding

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We are afraid as well. It’s actually dirt-simple. I think the corruption is so deep, the list of enemies of the state is extremely long. I would not expect to not be on it, and no one else knows or cares, who I am.

Example, Bill Clinton sold nuclear and missile technology to China and Podesta handled the payments to the Democratic party. That was long ago. Podesta is curently in on the climate change grift.


Yes climate change is real. It is neverheless being used to garner power and control to our overall detriment.

Look at the political persecution of Trump while the president and his som go untouched by corporate media. The IRS is a political weapon. The US government can and does seize personal property for criminal behavior without charging people with crimes. Even demonstrators land in prison.

If Julian Assange was free and active and unafraid the corporatocracy that grips Europe and most of the world could not succeed.

He will not be allowed to return to his former functions.

That’s my answer.

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Well my inference was fear - that’s why I believe it’s overwhelming but you said it much more clearly

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When I attended school in the 1940's, we were all required to subscribe to a children's version of the NYT. This was from 1st grade on and we discussed the issues of the day. When was the last time civics was taught in school and when did they start handcuffing and arresting 6 year olds? Each generation is taught what those with money and power deem appropriate. From what I've heard, the schools curriculum in the U.S. at least, is dictated by the Gates Foundation. So now we have recent generations, instead of being taught critical thinking skills, are being taught intolerance and fear. Additionally, we have been adding rat poison to the water in the U.S. since the 1940's. They call it fluoride and pretend it's a good thing, but what it is is using human bodies as toxic waste dumps. It's what the nazis used to keep their victims docile in the concentration camps. Very few countries add this to their water. I believe it's primarily used by the U.S. and New Zealand - just a coincidence I'm sure, the same two countries that allow the legal drug cartel to advertise on TV. Plus who knows what all the plastics and fake and poisoned food most of us are either forced or unwittingly ingest is doing to our brains. I actually have grown adults censoring me if I dare say anything positive about Russia. College graduates! Truth tellers in such a society are dangerous. (And thank god for the truth tellers - and keep them safe!!!)

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"...the assertion that US domestic law should extend across the globe is authoritarian in the extreme."

Indeed. And then we realize that the U.S. has become, de facto, the zombie Roman Empire, having taken that baton from y'all over there at some arguable/murky point between 1776 and 1945.

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The Australian government might look like they’re doing something now to free Assange but they’ve been too compliant and subservient for too long regarding the matter. As for the journalists in Australia the majority should be ashamed of themselves, and are journalists in name only.

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The Daily Mail? Journalistic integrity? Can I have your dealer's number? Your drugs are way better than mine. You completely lost me at that point.

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If that's what you took from this article, I don't know what to say

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Yeah gosh I'm not a huge fan of hate sites. I guess that means I'm literally too stupid to talk to.

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No, you're just an attention seeking troll and that's what makes you, in you're own words, literally too stupid to talk to. If you weren't so stupid you'd know that🤷‍♀️🤣

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I assure you, if I wanted attention, or to troll, I could have done a lot better in both areas. But sure, villify me however you like. I'm sure you need to feel better about who you are, with that volley of insults because I dared to express a single opinion different than yours. I imagine you're very popular, aren't you?

Perhaps I'll ask your boss what they think of this.

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Oh haha she blocked me right after posting that, just like an absolutely not-a-troll would. What courage and grace! We should all aspire to be more like what's-her-name!

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I come from a time period when people were out protesting in the hundreds of thousands against the war in Vietnam - how many wars ago was that? Have Americans become so numbed to injustice, after so many from this criminal enterprise of a U.S. "government", that they can no longer even recognize it? What are Americans angry about? The January 6th "terrorists", they hate Trump with a passion they feel for very little else, including sadly, freedom. I actually have friends to whom I cannot mention the names of either the "traitor" Snowden or the "traitor" Assange. How someone can be a traitor to a country he's never even visited to my knowledge makes the irrationality astounding. I've also discovered I'm expected to self-censor the name of Russia. Instead of Pavlov's dogs, we now have here in Amerika, Pavlov's salivating citizens.

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